Posts from May 2016

4 Items


by Bruce Miller

Romans 8:12 says that we are under an obligation, not to the flesh or its desires and lusts, but to the Spirit. The word obligation seems so negative!  We are obligated to go to work every day, we are obligated to pay our bills, we are obligated to love our wives and respect our husbands, […]


by Bruce Miller

How do you prove that something is authentic? Well, you might say, it depends on what it is you want to prove. Suppose I have a bottle of “Loctite” and I need to glue some pottery together. How would I prove that the contents in this bottle were in fact “Loctite”? This is an easy […]

Our Supreme Purpose

by Bruce Miller

A simple question this week. Do you live your life to its full potential? Or do you go from one disaster to another, wondering when the next disaster will hit? Scripture has a different directive for us to live by. Most people simply live life and take whatever comes there way with a grain of […]


by Bruce Miller

I have two weddings in June this year, back to back. As it is a bit over whelming I cannot help to think of God’s glorious picture to us of His wedding Feast. I cannot help but think of two different texts in the Bible. First of all Matthew 22:1-14 says that “The kingdom of […]